Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Messy Twister! :)

Hey guys! :)

So, I tried out a new idea last night, and it was totally amazing, so I wanted to share it with all of you!
Everyone has seen that idea on Pinterest called "Messy Twister." You know, where you put paint dots on all the Twister board circles and then play Twister while getting very messy and colorful.
I was sort of skeptical on how that would work, or if it would even be fun, but last night I finally worked up the guts to do it on a date and it was one of the most fun things I think I have done on a date! :)
Basically, I went to the supercenter Walmart down the road from my apartment (That place is magical. It literally has everything.) and bought a Twister board game and a box of Crayola Washable Fingerpaints. Conveniently, the paints came in the four colors I needed (Blue, green, red, and yellow). YES. Score one for me. Overall, the game and paints cost me about twenty bucks, which is a pretty cheap date if you think about it. Especially if it's a large group date.
Anyway, I set up the Twister board in my back yard, plopped dots of coordinating fingerpaint on all of the circles, making sure those babies were all covered, and then wa la! We played Messy Twister.
I also made each color of circle correspond to something special you had to do so the game was more interesting. The questions and ideas were aimed at getting to know your date a little better-Blue was tell the person something they don't know about you, Yellow was a "have you ever?" question, Green was name one fear you have, and Red was a freebie circle (You could do, say, or ask anything you wanted).
Needless to say, the idea was a hit. A big success! YES. Score two for me. :) We played for about two hours, just laughing and talking and getting paint all over our clothes and each other. And after we were done, it was an easy clean up! I simply sprayed the Twister board down with the hose, washed my clothes, and the paint came out of everything. Washable, just like it said, because, you know, sometimes "washable" paints can be a little on the iffy side......
It was a perfectly simple date, but was so much fun, and it just goes to prove that you don't have to spend a lot of money on a movie or fancy dinner to have a good time with your date or significant other. Whether it's a first time or blind date, or you've been dating this person for awhile and just want to have a good time with each other, Messy Twister is definitely a must try! :) You won't be disappointed!!
The Game! All set up and ready for some Messy Fun! :) 

We didn't get our clothes too messy.... our hands and feet took the brunt of the paint....and each other of course! 

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