Friday, August 23, 2013

Changing of the Roommates

So....the end of this week has ben kind of hard for me. :/

One of my best friends and roommates, Molly, moved out of our apartment on Wednesday. We have been living together for a year while we attended university, and it was hard to see her go. She has been one of my best friends-always willing to go on adventures and late night walmart runs with me, draw with chalk on the driveway when we're bored, and tease our boy housemates. 
I am going to miss her companionship and presence dearly, but now that she has graduated with her degree in social work (woo hoo!!) she has to move on to bigger and better things in life-like serving an LDS mission in the upcoming months. :) 
I am so happy for her to move onto greater dreams, and I will always love her dearly. She did, however, before she left, leave me a present to come back to in my room. When I finally got back to college town after being at my parents' house recovering for two weeks, I found two brown wrapped parcels on my desk, from none other than darling Molly. Inside, wrapped neatly, were these: 

 A coloring book and crayons. Now, disclaimer: I LOVE to color. Whether it be with chalk (which is one of my favorites) or colored pencils and crayons in a coloring book, or simply sketching something myself and then coloring it, I love it all. can imagine my reaction when I opened Molly's gift. And if you simply can't imagine it, it went something like this: 

(Although, as you can tell from my pictures, I am not black.....or a man. ;) Just wanted to clarify that for you. My reaction, however, was scarily close to this.)
Anyway, Molly moved out, and I have two new girl roomies moving into my apartment/house with me this weekend. Making new friends! Fun! :) Hopefully it all goes well. I could never replace Molly though. 
So, this post is in tribute to one of the greatest friends/roomies/coadventurers I ever had. 
I love you, Molly Lou! :) 

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